No. 0 - Bienvenidos
I absolutely adore hosting dinner gatherings, where we gather around the table after the meal, exchanging anecdotes, giving recommendations, discussing our weeks, and discovering something new about the people we hold dear. Sobremesa, a term that literally translates to "over the table," embodies precisely that. It's about savoring the moment instead of rushing off once the plates are cleared. It's about pouring another glass of wine and being truly present with the folks we've just shared a meal with.
The Sobremesa newsletter will start with a high and low from the week and then focus on five things:
1. Listening to
2. Tasting/eating
3. Feeling
4. Seeing
5. Misc
Thank you for joining me on this exhilarating journey fueled by ADHD. I hope you’ll share your own suggestions as this newsletter unfolds. And fear not, I'll keep it concise because, let's face it, our attention spans are tiny, and we all have a million things going on.